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Communautique is a hub for open innovation, dedicated to learning, collaboration, research, and experimentation in social and technological innovation. Its mission is to support civic participation by promoting information literacy, the adoption of information and communication technologies, and development of related tools. Communautique has worked for 16 years to democratize access to technology within the cultural, social, and economic realities of today’s world. As a precursor to the living labs movement, Communautique earned its reputation with the developement of FabLabs in Quebec. They opened Echo-Fab, the first FabLab in Canada, and co-founded FabLabs Quebec. Additionally, Commuautique is the driving force behind “Gray Matter QI2025” an ecosystem dedicated a Silver economy that is by and for seniors. 

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ACT is a research project housed at Concordia University that brings together researchers and institutional and community partners to address the transformation of the experiences of ageing with the proliferation of new forms of mediated communications in networked societies. ACT is comprised of researchers, students, and community and institutional partners from around the world. Together, we are investigating how ‘digital ageism’ – the individual and systemic biases that create forms of inclusion and exclusion that are age-related – operates in subtle ways at this time. Through our collective and collaborative research, we provide an analysis that comes from our engagement with individuals and communities of elders and suggest strategies for change.

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Olympic gold medalists. Oscar winners. Satellite Designers. Concordia University has them all. Creative. Diverse. Concordia pushes boundaries by crossing disciplines. Acclaimed fields include aerospace, nanotechnology, journalism, psychology, genomics, cinema, studio arts, finance and sustainable business. Bold, urban energy. 46,000 students in Montreal, North America’s most exciting city. Leading research, top teaching, engaged community — transformative experiences through flexible, friendly service. Celebrating 40 years in 2014, Concordia defines the next-generation university.


engAGE aspires to change how we think about aging. Through innovative, collaborative, interdisciplinary research, engAGE researchers work with older people and their communities in order to address challenges and facilitate opportunities in all realms of life: social, physical, cognitive, emotional, and political. engAGE brings together researchers from a broad range of disciplines, from fine art to physics to explore creative ways to study age and explore opportunities to enhance health and well-being across the life course. We work together with older people, community groups, health care practitioners, and industry partners to provide thoughtful analysis of the strengths and challenges that we experience in relation to age and then to suggest strategies for change.

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Zagora is a firm specializing in the production of conferences and business events. She strategically advises organizations that want to: make their events more relevant, crowded and profitable. Its founder has international experience in the production of hundreds of conferences in companies such as IIR (now Informa Group), Thomson Reuters, IATA and TC Media.

Also, Zagora produces its own events on innovative topics, including the Silver Economy. Most recently, the president was named the first ambassador of Aging2.0 in Montreal. The objective is to help the eco-system of Montréal’s strategies-ups to consider aging as an exceptional and important axis of development.


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Age 3.0- Creative Aging Fair is a unique opportunity for established companies, startups, and research laboratories to present their products, services, or prototypes and test them with the public in an envoronment of open innovation. Contact us to request our sponsorship plans at

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